Sunday, April 5, 2020

It's Palm Sunday

Until Resurrection Day

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It’s Lent—
I’m sitting here meditating
upon that final week
wondering what happened to His followers
after Jesus entered Jerusalem
riding astride a donkey
as people spread their coats before Him
along the dusty road
Wondering about those followers
the ones who cut branches from palm trees
and waved them at Him in homage, proclaiming

Hosanna to the Son of David!
Hosanna in the highest!

After all, He was their humble King

I’m sitting here wondering what happened
between then and days later
when Jesus stood before Pilate
amid a crowd of onlookers
persuasive chief priests and elders
and everyone began shouting

Crucify Him! Crucify Him!

Did they forget the taste of water
that He turned into wine?

Did they forget the healed lepers and the blind?

Did they forget Him preaching
to the multitudes, Blessed be the poor…
and the thousands He fed with a few loaves and fish

Did they forget He healed a pitiful demoniac
and the woman with an issue of blood

Could they have forgotten that he said to the dead girl,
Talitha kum, and she sprang right up and walked

And Lazarus? Could they possibly have forgotten
that Jesus called His friend out of the tomb
and Lazarus emerged, grave clothes coiled
around his body…after three days!

I’m still sitting here wondering about
how quickly they turned
from their hosannas
to calling for His death

Wasn’t there one clear-headed believer
one unable-to-be-swayed witness
one unshakable faithful-unto-death follower
to boldly shout out in protest…


No. There wasn’t

Not even one

Maude Carolan Pych

Note: The above poem appears in my new book, "Behold the Lamb...poetically!" Elm Hill Press. It is available online at Amazon & Barnes & Noble. For information go to

Behold the Lamb...poetically!
By Maude Carolan Pych

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